Sydney Beach Homes
Sydney Beach Homes

Ocean Secrets

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Ocean Secrets


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Ocean Secrets only beach-dwellers truly understand

Moving closer to the sea significantly improves your wellbeing. The seaside environment can actually reduce stress and encourage physical activity. Of course, we all feel this, but researchers studying the physiological benefits of coastal living are coming up with some compelling evidence. We’re pretty sure it has positive psychological benefits too.

You might get frustrated when your beach gets busy with day-trippers, but you appreciate the place you call home all the more after everybody’s gone.

You love the beach all year round – you know it’s not just for summer and love nothing more than rugging up for a brisk wintry walk on the water’s edge.

You crave that sense of calm that comes over you when you look at the water. Even being alone at the beach makes you smile in your heart – this is your special place. You somehow feel like this beach is yours and only yours – we all do!

You feel just a little sad for anyone that doesn’t live by the beach and can’t understand why people would choose to live anywhere else.

You can’t imagine life without the continuous soundtrack of the ocean waves.

You know you’ll never be short of something to do.

The sunrises and sunsets seem to look so much more magnificent at the beach – maybe because they are amplified by the ocean.

You take infinite pleasure in the natural delights the ocean has to offer, from rock pools, to sea creatures, to shells, sea glass and pretty stones.

You’re not wild about wearing shoes.

You never underestimate the power and unpredictability of the ocean and you constantly worry that visitors may not have the same appreciation and get into difficulty.

Nothing in the world tastes like fish & chips eaten by the sea, with your lungs full of salty air.

Can you imagine living anywhere else? We didn’t think so! 🙂

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New Homes Renovations Extensions Beach Home Specialists Contact



If you have a block of land just waiting for your dream home, a dated property you’d like to knock down and re-build, a home that needs a little TLC and a new lease of life with a full renovation - or even if you’re not exactly sure which way to go, and would just like some advice, we’d love to hear from you, and we’re here help.